5 Ways to be a Better Human and Explorer: Part 1

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Five years ago I made the commitment to improve my confidence, become a more compassionate human being and fully engage with my passion of exploration. Quitting my stressful job, I jetted off to my sanctuary, the mountains, for days on end. This list includes the qualities that I not only want to see in myself, but in my friends and hopefully, with time, the rest of the world. Here I break down the first five out of fifteen beliefs and detail how to apply them to your adventure travels, as well as how to inspire yourself and your fellow human-beings.

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1) Explore Everything –

Finding myself pigeon-holed into being a mountaineer, a peak-bagger, or a car camper, I had to take a step back and remember that our earth offers so much more than just mountains. It's also important to explore cultures, visit cities, climb mountains, hike to remote waterfalls and drive amazing roads. Don't limit yourself in your explorations – keep an open mind to new adventures and life will become that much more amazing. Same goes for exploring within yourself: be sure to take time to address your inner issues no matter how painful or deep they may lay. You will grow into a stronger human who can shine a bright light on the world.

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2) Conquer Fear –

This one is very self-explanatory, yet so many people let fear hold them back. Whether it is fear of failing at their job, fear of climbing that new rock face, or fear of hitting the road with no set plan in sight, millions of people let fear rule their daily lives. Spend some time evaluating what you fear and then take steps to get over it. Fear is all mental – you need to get inside your head and figure out why you fear something. Make a list of your fears and jot down what is the worst that could happen. Then write down all the amazingly positive effects that would happen if you conquered your fear. I guarantee the pros will outweigh the cons.

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3) Respect Nature –

In a world that is subject to a lot of environmental degradation, respecting nature is more important than ever. Whether you simply up pick up litter as you adventure down a new trail, or get involved with organizations such as Greenpeace, any effort to help preserve Mother Nature is a great decision. Now is the time to start playing your part – whether on global adventures, or on a easy day hike.  Ultimately, nothing else is more important that our beautiful home. Who wants to travel in a huge garbage dump?

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4) Think Karma –

Karma can be summed up simply: What goes around will always come back around. If you are out spreading negative vibes, negative things will always come back to you. As you adventure through life, remember that when you spread great vibes, you are much more likely to get that job you hoped for, meet interesting new friends and come across beautiful experiences that you would not have if you had been negative. Start small: add a smile into your day, say hi to someone at your hostel, or simply walk down the trail thinking about how great life is. Don't do anything to others that you wouldn't want done to yourself. 

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5) Be Prepared –

When it comes to adventures and travelling, being prepared is very important. Be mentally prepared for an adventure beforehand by ensuring your life is in as best order that it can be. As you adventure, be prepared for diffuculty, new experiences and unexpected twists and turns on your journey. Make sure to have the right equipment, too. There is nothing worse than being trapped in a remote place without the correct gear. The Boy Scouts have it right: prepare for a crazy situation and when that situation rolls around, you can handle it.

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Written by Spencer Madden

Spencer is a THISWORLDEXISTS Adventure Ambassador. He's currently living out of his car exploring the USA. You can see more of his inspiring adventures on Instagram: @mtobsession, or contact him directly on spencer@mountainobsession.com.