An adventure in the trees

mountain thisworldexists alex powell reflection

This 21 year old practicing kinesiologist really knows how to move in the great outdoors. Alex Powell, also hopes to use his adventure and knowledge in the outdoors to conduct visual journalism through his incredible photos. Originally from Seattle, his family shifted to Bellingham which he is forever grateful for because it has presented him to so many great opportunities.

“I kayak, rock climb, hike, camp, ski, and indulge in exploring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. There is no one specific outdoor sport I have dedicated my time to, mainly due to money constraints, but also because I want to expose myself to each one of these activities equally.”

mountain washington thisworldexists alex powell

It is a great way to looking at life and we love how Alex is always open for any type of adventure to improve his skills and ability to adapt to anything life journey throws at him. He blames instagram for his passion for photography, we would like to thank it.

“Seeing so many beautiful places and images from such talented photographers, I eventually gave up trying to get the shot I wanted with my iPhone and decided it was time to purchase a real camera. The last six months have been an insane change in my life and I am currently trying to hone my skills as an outdoor photographer.”

mountain reflection washington thisworldexists alex powell

Follow more of Alex’s adventures on Instagram @inthetrees_