Xcalak - have we found pure paradise? Shhh don't tell anyone

It's a super isolated part of the Mexican Caribbean with limited power and no cell phone reception.

Basically, it is a paradise to escape the normal goings on in the world and truly embrace the incredible ancient jungle area and one of the last 'untouched' stretches of beaches in Mexico.

Xcalak (pronounced Sh-ka-lak) has just under 400 residents and get's its name directly from the Mayan city not far from it's current day city streets (if you could call it a city).

A short boat ride from the shore will have you bobbing directly above the Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak that is protected by Mexican conservation organisations for good reason.

Incredible coral and underwater plantlife shroud the underwater rock and cave systems and staggering diversity of animal life bring these waters to life not far close to the Mexican/Belize border.

Sharks, rays, turtles were the feature items - stay posted to see the video when we have some time to put it together! Also Lion Fish were introduced to this area and are hunted by conservationist to ensure the natural ecosystem continues to flourish without these bad boys living freely in the area with no predators.

Love the underwater world? Did you see our free diving in the Bacalar Cenote? Check it out here.

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