3 Reasons to Drop Everything and Explore Today

Daily life gets overwhelming. Our dreams, hopes and desire to see the world get pushed to the back burner while work, money and family take priority. We are inundated with ideas and potential explorations on our newsfeeds; always thought of as a dream but never a reality. Nonsense! Here are three reasons to drop everything and go explore.

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1) Life Is Short – In the first world, our average life spans are anywhere between 70 – 80 years. This translates to approximately 27,335 days: this isn't very much time to begin with. You never know what the future will bring – whether great, good, or ugly – so start executing that major dream exploration that you've been kicking around. You only have time to lose.

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2) The World is Changing – The world continues to become more and more strained in terms of resources and economic turmoil. The greater pressures humanity faces, the more difficult and dangerous travelling will become. While some adventurers enjoy the added risk, feeling safe while travelling is the way to go. Again, you never know what will happen and the right time is now!

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2) Someone Needs You –  The world is full of people reaching out, calling out and begging for help. Between earthquakes, avalanches, mudslides, terrorism and war, many people out there could use your helping hand. You can explore an area while donating time, resources and money to improve someone else's life. Travelling with a purpose gives you a sense of fulfilment, and more importantly, it contributes to society in a positive way – something that is sorely needed. One great way is to get involved with THISWORLDEXISTS and join one of our adventures – it is very easy to do, you'll meet great people and you get to help out. A triple win for everyone! Now is the time to lend a helping hand.

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Live in the moment, get outside and go after anything that you wish to do. Tomorrow could be too late.

spencer madden explore this world exists thisworldexists

Written by Spencer Madden

Spencer is a THISWORLDEXISTS Ambassador. He currently lives out of his car, travelling the USA, encouraging others to get outside. You can see more of his amazing adventures on Instagram: @mtobsession