Could this be the most appropriately named location in the World?

As if from a dream, bright green foliage ushers adventure seeking eyes down to a perfectly clear stream that at depth, looks an unnatural blue. The Rio Escalena (Escalena River) is something that needs to be seen to be believed.

If the colours of the Sierra Gorda valley in the Mexican state of Queretero aren't enough, then a little upstream will really blow your mind.

Keep in mind, the journey isn't for the faint of heart and definitely make sure you pack carefully to ensure you are safe, dry and prepared if things don't quite go to plan. We were told of two adventurers getting stuck up stream as nightfall made it impossible to pass the countless river crossings and precariously positioned ladders over the raging rapids below. 

Wading through waist deep water as we passed from river side to river side. Rio Escalena continued to flow strongly between moss covered rocks and twisted vines. The journey is well worth it though and comes highly recommended for those looking for a genuine adventure.

What was hiding in the dense Sierra Gorda foliage was the appropriately named, Puente de Dios (Bridge of God). 

Darkness ahead proved we had finally reached our destination, soaked but completely energetic to explore the Mexican marvel. The final makeshift ladder wedged between rocks exposed the inside of the cave that stretched about 50 metres to the other side that shone in the afternoon light as if straight from a dream.

It had an unrivalled power of continuing to draw us upstream as ever different water soaked corner brought something new to astound the eyes. How do places like this even exist?

Continuing to wade through the sparkling mountain water through to the other side of the cave, it opened up into an absolute wonderland.

Cascading water fell down the carefully crafted mineral rich cliffs of the Sierra Gorda, was a 50 metre waterfall that plummeted directly in front of the cave.

Darkness was rapidly approaching and we didn't want to be caught up stream as the light faded quickly in the deep valley that was shrouded by thick semi-jungle foliage. It was time to return home but we knew we would be back to explore further and deeper into the canyon.

Mexico Puente de dios queretero sierra gorda THISWORLDEXISTS adventure travel Ryan Gray Media

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