Experiencing the World Through Dakota's Eyes

Dakota is a passionate adventurer and photographer from The Dalles, Oregon. In an interview with thisworldexists, he reminisces about past camping trips, his thirst for adventure and his drive to inspire those around him to get out and experience the world.

Dakota’s eager attitude for outdoor exploration started when his father would take him and his little sister on weekend hiking trips.

“The sense of exploration and reward from hiking and great memories from camping have been a huge part of my life. I thoroughly enjoy time spent outdoors.”

Now an experienced adventurer, Dakota has developed a skill to capture his trips with photography.

“I've been playing around with cameras since childhood… I'm able to relive the moment through my pictures, capturing the beauty of nature to share with friends and family”


One of Dakota’s most treasured experiences was his visit to the Zion National Park, Utah. His desire to go off the beaten track led him to experience the park in a unique way. He spent ten days canyoneering, and believes that this was a unique way to experience the National Park.

“It was ten days of fun and pure bliss that will never be forgotten. It opened up new doors and new ways to adventure”.

In addition to canyoneering, Dakota also enjoys hiking, bagging peaks, swimming and camping. His thrill-seeking has taught him to be a hard worker, and to always go with the flow.

“Going somewhere with a purpose and with good friends to accomplish a feat, whether it be climbing a peak, navigating a canyon, or just exploring a new area. Not knowing what will happen, but knowing that I’ll come out of the experience a happy camper”


With his desire to create new experiences, Dakota plans to support thisworldexists’ vision by encouraging people to explore the environment around them.

“In a world where everyone is staring at a computer or phone screen (me included), it's nice to escape to a place where these things are less important… It's real, it's tangible, and waiting to be explored.”


Dakota hopes that his future endeavours will take him around Thailand to climb the great limestone seacliffs, see Railay Beach and to do some solo deep-water exploring.

“Hiking around in the jungle, climbing the sea cliffs and experiencing the culture would be an epic time!”

Thisworldexists is proud to have Dakota on board, and excited to see where his adventures will take him. See more of his stories on his Instagram: @dkota26