Cold Water Surf

By: Tom Hughes 

Spring can create all sorts of weather but can provide some of the best surf conditions. The weather is sometimes a challenge and the water is at its coldest temperatures of the year, but it brings with it some great swell! Cold water surfing isn’t for everyone but it offers less crowds and more waves too choose from, it also gives you the chance to explore some of the more remote areas of the world. There is a certain sense of freedom when surfing in these rough and wild icy cold seas. With the gruelling weather and freezing temperatures you can’t help but feel like you are part of a full on adventure.

Cold Water surfing offers you the chance to be immersed in the raw beauty of a hostile landscape. You become part of unique community of people and only the toughest and slightly insane can overcome the challenges faced when tackling this wintry world. Brain freeze, numb limbs and extreme weather conditions are just part of the experience. The ice cold seas and relentless wind inflict a large price on the surfer’s minds and bodies, but the reward - adventure, admiration, and self-discovery. All of this combined draws them closer together and pushes them to tackle this unique style of surfing. 

Spring can create all sorts of weather but can provide some of the best surf conditions. The weather is sometimes a challenge and the water is at its coldest temperatures of the year, but it brings with it some great swell!