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Thick jungle vines and tropical plant life grip tight to the side of its cylindrical shaft; contrasted by its time-sculpted limestone and the numerous waterfalls that take the cataclysmic plunge from its ridge into the crystal clear azure. Their height unfortunately is no match for the relentless thundering of the mesmerizing waterfall that feeds the Bridge of God.

The mesmerizing Puente de Dios or Bridge of God is a sight that needs to go on your bucket list. 

Puente de Dios is worth every one of the 300 odd stairs that plunge steeply through steamy rainforest from a small ridge of the Sierra Madre Oriental about 3km northwest of Tamasopo, Mexico. Rio Gallinas teases those lucky enough to visit it’s waters with a number of impressive waterfalls upstream that nourish the rock covered river-bed as it flows through a tightening gorge on route to the main attraction.

"The rock covered river bed of the perfect waters of Rio Gallinas."

The popular 6m plunge into its ancient depths wake me from my camp fuelled slumber. The clean, crisp water snaps me back into life and I find myself concentrating to remain orientated as I am tossed around in the relentless turbulent currents. Duck diving, I hold my breath to reach a small cavern behind one of the looming waterfalls and am astounded by the impressive sound and gusting squall.

At water level, I can finally understand the true sense of its name.

The turbulent water relentlessly feeds the magical Puente de Dios.

Water depths of 18m flow steadily beneath a huge limestone escarpment to create a perfect, tropical-plant-covered natural conduit from one side of the Rio Gallinas to the other.

The current sweeps me under its perfectly created nexus. I think to myself, “if there ever was a bridge fit for a God, it can be found in La Hausteca, Mexico.”

I wonder what mother nature would have to say about this?

- Ryan